Do you want to change something in your life, whether it be Relationships, Business or Health ?
Then read on….
”Your life is a print-out of your sub-conscious behaviour.” Bruce Lipton Phd.
Epi-genetics is a hard science and it has been proven in laboratory experiments that we are not the victims of our heredity genes as we are lead to believe. Our genes do not change over time. When we are born, when we are 50 and 100 years old our genes are the same. So what changes? and why do we age, get old and die ?
When we are born, some genes are activated and some are not. This can change over time…..some genes that lay dormant your whole life can suddenly become activated….it all depends on the ”environment” where the genes live…
What has this to do with me ?
Your consciousness (or rather your unconsciousness) is the determining factor. Genes and DNA can be manipulated by a person’s beliefs. If you are lead to believe something, your gene chemistry will act accordingly. It depends on your life, your character, your perception of your environment, and your behaviour.
Bruce Lipton Phd….” Your subconscious behaviour is made up of what happened to you inbetween 0 and 7 years old. The brain of a child under 7 is in a lower vibrational frequency called ‘Theta’. This frequency is the same as hypnosis. This is natural hypnosis. As a child you just observe and download data from your parents, siblings and community. Why is this relevant ? 95% of our lives come from those programs in the subconscious. You dont have to try and think about what happened inbetween 0 and 7 years old, JUST LOOK AT YOUR LIFE ! ”
The things that come into your life come in because you have a program that supports them. This can work negative or positive. Are you struggling with something ? Working really hard…..Why are you working so hard ? Do you have problems with your health ? Stress levels too high ? Just not ‘happy’ ? ” Any of this sounds familiar ? Inevitably you have a program that doesnt support the program that you are looking for….
A lot of the time it is self-sabotaging programs that we dont even know exist inside of us !!! We have had these programs our whole life and we think it is ‘circumstances’ outside ourselves that create the problem. Time to change the old sabotage programs for new ones…..and these new programs are called Freedom, Health, Prosperity, Love and Joyfulness !
What you think is what you will become.
Its a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Is your cup half-empty or half-full ?
We can do this in 3 ways:
- Hypnosis: Hypnosis is a geweldig tool for changing programs that no longer serve you. We can work specifically on certain topic/s where you have difficulty with. This is the fastlane to recovery and taking back the control and the destiny of your life !
- Healing: My own healing method is a perfect tool to connect to the deepest core of yourself. It is the true version of yourself in its purest form, the most powerful you can be, is yourself (click here for more info).
- Meditation and repetition of affirmations which gradually filter through to the subconscious mind. You can follow me live on ZOOM 3 times a week. Together we can reprogram old belief systems and habits into positive, loving and supporting beliefs. NOTE: I am not referring to the superficial ‘toxic positivity’ where individuals wear a superficial mask of ‘happiness’, whereas underneath the surface is a brooding place of negativity and suffering on all levels. No, this is real work, it goes deep into your system, it takes time and dedication.
It is our birthright to be happy, free, healthy individuals, evolving and exploring life.
If you have issues which you would like to work on, I would be happy to hear from you.
In Love and Gratitude,
Jane Scott